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  • Writer's pictureGemmylou

My Top 10 Christmas Films

First off let me apologise for not uploading this yesterday, I was majorly sick so I'm sorry. Now...

We all know that there are a million and 1 great things about Christmas, parties, family time, music, that fuzzy feeling you get, but one thing that ALWAYS puts me in the Christmas spirit is Christmas films.

So I have compiled a list of my top 10 Christmas films and unfortunately for some of you, no, Home Alone is not on here. I don't like that kid and them old fellas trying to break in isn't the best for me ssooo...

#1* The Grinch - Everyone who knows me even at all is aware of how much I love this! The cartoon version and the real life version, even the book I adore it. The rhyming, his greenness, his overall hatred for the entire town. And has anyone ever noticed how in the real life adaptation the aunties received him whilst they were holding their annual Christmas swingers party? No? Just me? See this film has something for everyone. You go dudes, you go!!

#2* The Santa clause - Yes all around from me. Tim Allen with his moodiness but ending up on the best adventure of his entire life and living in a crazy land of eternal children... maybe we shall side step on that one but it's just boss! And I laaaarve it!

#3* The Polar Express - Me and my best mate watch this every single year around Christmas at some point. Honestly. Tom Hanks is amazing in this but did no one think of employing any more people 😂. It's great and that magical train ride where the holes in the stubbs reveal secrets about each of them, ahhh 😍 it's just the best (bar the grinch).

#4* A Very Cool Christmas - Sorry I know this one isn't the most well known but I love it. A spoilt brat of a teen who doesn't really care about anything bar her special designer bag, who ends up meeting Santa and dressing him up... boss. Use your powers for good kids.

#5* Muppets Christmas Carol - This will always have a special place in my heart. And honestly if I could move stuff round and make more room for it in my heart like in the episode of Sabrina the Teenade Witch where she clears out room for Arron. When it comes to the muppets I'd do that 10 fold. I just LOVE them.

#6* ELF!!! Gumdrops and candy laces. This guy is the best! I love Zooey Deschanel the woman is absolute beauty and Will Ferrel is just a boss ouf. I don't half enjoy this one... don't half because I whole heartedly do! I just love Father Christmas and tbh this elf, well, dwarf wrestling aside, he's just a good egg aint he.

#7* Arthur Christmas - Oh come on guys and girls have any of you actually NOT seen this one? The grandad is deffo the best in this honestly. The little wrapper elf and Arthur bless! But that kick arse grandad who hates his other grandson, he's just the shit! I want him to be my little grandad 💖. Not arsed me and the mother went to see this just the 2 of us. Me early to mid 20's, her i her 40's not a kid in sight with either of us because lets be honest, we're bith childish enough as it is! And I. Regret. Nothing!

#8* Jack Frost - Michael keaton, losing his life, losing his kids the lot, coming back as a snowman, just being THE MAN! Beasting life as a couple balls of fluffy ice. Who doesn't love this? Although I wont pull the wool over your eyes the crew... get the tissues ready this can be a winge fest 😭.

#9* The Holiday - not really Christmassy at all tbh, apart from being set around Christmas but I love it. If you want a slightly funny, slightly empowering, slightly Christmassy, easy to watch film packed with a load of attractive people, and some old yet familiar faces, really give this one a watch, it's a good little film 😁.

#10* Love Actually - Just packed full of winter wonder. It's just a good feel good little film and if you like Hugh Grant and the thought of him being the dancy little runner of our country then this is the movie for you. There are kids, adults, love, loss, just all the parts of life you experience so give it a go and see how you feel with this one. So many love it, who's to say you wouldn't too??

That's my top 10, in case you didn't notice about half way through I struggled. Yes I may be a little Christmas elf myself, however I am 26 and these days Christmas movies don't have the same zshuje that alcohol does.

I hope you all liked this one and found it helpful, or at the very least relatable because I was honest as I could be without becomming a review blogger under no request 😂.

Until next time dudettes and dudes.

Don't be a stranger and stay safe.


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