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  • Writer's pictureGemmylou

Blogmas post ideas

Lets be honest lads and ladettes Christmas is great and blogging is great, so it only makes sense that we should put them in one big sammich and enjoy right?

It's all fun and games and excitement until it comes to do it, like when you are class clown but when it comes to telling an actual joke you draw a blank and stand there looking like fucking Lenny off of mice and men! Sorry George I thought it was a good idea. NO IT WASN'T!

So with out further a due I'll give you 25 ideas, ones that can be as fun as possible because I'll tell you the truth google didn't help me much so let's get this show on the road 😘.

#1* Do a blogmas list (ha because I'm so original and it's not like half way through the 25 days, I'm a dick)

#2* Christmas jumper ideas

#3* A Christmas easter egg hunt... not a literal one where the fuck would I put them? Don't answer that. But I mean like plant little clues everywhere and award a winner (maybe a hideous Christmas Jumper).

#4* Christmas party ideas - I did something similar, it was sound but I ended up posting about a bloody ice rink party cos we all have a spare 5 grand or so on top of Christmas and solicitors to draw up the advisory letters, whatever I tried?!

#5* Christmas gift haul

#6* secret santa ideas, again one I decided to do. I actually liked that one tbh it was good to have a little giggle and help myself out because I haven't sorted my secret santa out yet. So I was half blogging and half shopping for meself 😂 soz I'm not that selfless! But with a fiver limit wtf the girls lucky she isn't getting a pair of socks and a friggin pineapple!

#7* Christmas decoration haul

#8* Christmas decorating, pictures of your deccies in your home

#9* Just thought of this... elf on the shelf ideas. Sometimes it's hard to be creative and not everyone can be as creative as pisces 🙄🙄 not that I'm saying I'm creative but I did once turn a breathing mask into a beer bong so make your own decisions...

#10* Christmas dessert ideas

#11* Christmas drink ideas

#12* Christmas makeup ideas 😍 yas kweeeen, let me see those sexy peepers! I'm into flaunting them gorgeous pissholes in the snow turned dazzling marbles!

#13* 25 day Christmas workout challenge... because why the bloodyhell not? We all want to look good and not turn into a Christmas pudding so we can gorge on Christmas and hate ourselves by boxing day right? Soooo why not?

#14* Christmas event clothing ideas - I did something very similar in my festive females article. It was fun!

#15* Favourite Christmas movies. Mine is the Grinch top fave, his heart was diddy and grew on christmas, he had excessive hair and cut himself when he shaved.. it was like watching myself 🤗 #ifyoucantloveyourself

#16* Top Christmas songs... you could even do one per year for the last 25 to just make it that little bit more awkward 😁.

#17* Sexy Santas... because we're all perverts, lets admit it! Who doesn't want to see 25 sexy santa/mrs clauses (or santaritas if you wana be a douche like me 😁 ew douches if you need to clean that far in there you need to see a dr).

#18* family time christmas ideas... thing to do and go see with the family in the lead up and around the holidays.

#19* NOT family ideas - crazy ideas for the partiers around us. Because not everyone celebrates with eggnog and christmas eve boxes, which brings me to next on this list.

#20* Christmas Eve box ideas, this could be fun! Especially if you have a full house and some crazy characters.

#21* Charities to help out in around Christmas. Because it's the season for giving (I'm such a fucking hypocrite sorry).

#22* Christmas Shopping on low doller... it's hard on people around Christmas! Sometimes we all need a little help.

#23* Make your own decoration examples. I'm not saying you have to come up with and make 25 Christmas decorations because that's just out of order and if you have the time to do this wtf you doing reading this? You have time to think matey stop half arsing it!

#24* Best advent calendars - saw this a LOT on Google. Because we all love chocolate (even if you're lactose intollerant like me).

#25 Blog about your Christmas in the now! Or your favourite Christmas memory. It's always easier in the moment (she says again being a fucking hypocrite because I stumble round half drunk all Christmas day, too scared to be hungover for boxing day, too proud to stay sober Christmas day 🤷‍♀️).

I hope these help guys and dolls, because lets be honest sometimes we allllll need a littl help right? I know I did, and while about half of these are off the top of my noggin (dead made up with the elf on the shelf one) half also aren't because sometimes it's so difficult to think of things in the moment or that you could actually expand on.

Whatever you chose, I'm glad you read it. Now, go get fucked up more than father jack (unless you have alcohol issues or are under legal age cos I deffo never drank under the age 👀 hypocrite strike 3 aaaand I'm out)

Have a fab time and as always,

Don't be a stranger and stay safe beauties!


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