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  • Writer's pictureGemmylou

5 signs he's a crazy, so you need to wise up!

Updated: Nov 17, 2018

First off let just say that all of this is from real life experience, and not just solid research, because personally I think that personal experience is a lot better to go off...Shall we?

1) He texts you 3 times in a row in the space of an hour - not related to the last text.If he's only just got your number and he decides to message you, then see that you have read it again, and message you again, then proceeds to message YET again just to get a response, then you need to use your noggin. Have you done this to someone? If you haven't then think why not? BECAUSE YOU'D LOOK CRAZY!!! And so does he. Anyone with any self worth or sanity would know this, and Confidence is sexy... as is sanity in my book these days after that weird man telling me he was in love with me twice on the first date but that's another story. 2) Also while we're on the subject of 'read' receipts, if he asks why yours are off, lady leg it. I don't care what heels you're in, you need to make a you shaped hole in the wall in front of you and escape this psycho! If a man questions why your read receipts aren't on when you have been talking to him for a day or two, in a way that's almost like a pop quiz, then you know what you have here is a class A green eyed monster. It's only a matter of time before you get the 'well who else you talking to?' and 'why has your phone been off for 20 minutes?' messages and you think bitch please, I'd say it's because I'm charging it but it was to get your name the fuck off my screen without blocking, because then either you'd be at my door step in a matter of minutes or I'd suddenly have a mystery stalker and be waking up to black roses and maggot boxes next week. 3) He blocks you "just to see your reaction" girl, isn't this a form of gas lighting? Kind of a 'I'm a nice guy I was just joking to see how you would react if I was gone all of a sudden' situation. This isn't normal behaviour and things are only going to go from bad to worse from here. TRUST ME! I had the worst relationship with someone who did this to me, if you want to know more about that dickweed with mummy issues who faked anxiety just to get some extra attention from me then please comment below I'd be more than happy to oblige because that little staminaless weasel caused a right shit storm in my life - and his OTHER girlfriends. 4) He wont stop commentingNow this could be on social media or in person. All I know, is if a man who you have no romantic relationship with keeps on at you, commenting on what you look like, where you've been, sending you message after message with no reciprocation or response from you, then he is a crazy! I mean what kind of relationship does someone think they will achieve by constantly being on the case by someone who isn't interested in them? I've had this before and it did NOT end well. 3 blocked twitter accounts wasn't enough to get rid of the crank I had to physically delete my old twitter and make a new one in a different way just to stop this creep from messaging me because if there is one thing that separates the crazies from the persistent - it's the word NO! I'm serious, one no should be enough but sometimes it isn't and if someone thinks you're playing hard to get they may try a few more times and stop. A Looney Tune however will take this no, and run with is, seriously he is going to Usain Bolt with this shit! You say no more than once and you're every bitch, s@#!, c*!? in the book, and nothing will stop him coming back but a new social media or further action. 5) He tells you about his 'issues' on the first date. DON'T get suckered in by this one. You might make the mistake I did, and think oh he's honest, he's open - yes to a whole load of WORSE shit! Girl he's just pre empting you for what's to come. It's only a matter of time before the 'I have commitment issues' turns into YOU have commitment issues. Until the I find it hard to trust people, turns into YOU can't have male friends because they only want one thing. A little gambling problem turns into an empty bank account and debt. Them having a 'past' turns into YOUR future with him. And why? because he told you at the beginning, he just left out the teeniest tiniest BIGGEST crucial detail - that he is still the exact same arse wipe he was in the first place! Now I'm not saying that every one is the same here people, I know people are different, of course I do, I wasn't raised under a rock! But what I am saying is, no man who I have ever dated, has ever showed any of these signs and been completely sane. And that's all I'm looking for here - a bit of sanity and a nice face. Please bare these in mind and as always go with your gut. Thanks for reading, until next time, don't be a stranger and stay safe x x

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