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  • Writer's pictureGemmylou

What Have I Googled this week

Do Penguins have knees? Well yes they do, but they are covered. Weirdly I've never seen a penguin bend over, love to know if anyone else has. This also lead to someone asking if they bend to pick up food, but sure they do that with their beaks and then someone said they had hands? Now I know I can be a bit dim at times but even I know penguins don't have hands right... just imagine that for a second, hands at the ends of their flippers. If you aren't weirded out or laughing by now I feel the need to judge you soz.

Danish Hens bigger than our chickens? Alright so I was boasting about the big chicken breast I was getting from Lidl and anyone who has got these will know exactly what I'm on about! They are called Danpo I think and it's 1kg of chicken and you only get like 4 pieces cos they are friggin hyawmongous!! Well we got on the subject and I was talking about how made up I was cos I'm a greedy fat bitch and you get 2 meals out of each breast, seownddd (and I wonder why I'm ever expanding, what ever, boobs). People were saying they must be genetically mutated and I was like er no! So we looked them up and basically turns out they are Danish Hens and they are just major hench compared to our little fat dinner lady type chickens. (chickens have always reminded me of dinner ladies I don't know why, maybe it's the clucking, maybe it's the little and roundness, maybe it's that they are both fluffy I don't know).

Kangaroo babies - I don't even want to go into this much but basically baby kangaroos are bloody ugly man! I'm not even exaggerating they are all naked and crawl back up into their mums vagina pouches and chill untill they are ready to leave. Ye it's not all as whimsical and cute as winnie the pooh would have you believe.

Rabbit Willies - I hate the girl who posted 'don't google rabbit penis' on facebook. Because she knew full well that weirdos like me would see that and absolutely just HAVE togoogle this! And I bet most of you do now too and apologies but if I have to see them then so do you. I genuinely just don't know what to think. I'd say I've never looked at a rabbit the same since, but in all fairness I never have since my first ann summers party. Once they tell you to put the ears off the rampant rabbit on your nose to determine if the speed is enough for you, you're a changed woman I'm afraid. Nothing will erase the look of my aunties old neighbour's face when those ears touched her nose. I'd take looking at 10 real rabbit willies over that any day!

Do fish sleep - Yes they do, with their eyes open apparently. Because they don't have eye lids. Sorry but this freaks me out because straight away I think of Eyelidless Bethel from the Keenan and Kell Movie!!!

If you throw vodka on a scorpion will it sting itself to death? No it wont. I'll just squash this one now. But apparently it will go really aggressive. Everyone has that ONE drink right, mines Blossom Hill Rose.

That's all I can remember googling this week. I know it's more but I already kill so many moments and make them awkward by stopping them to google life, I never think to write them down. Suppose I will have to start because these are quite boring.

But I am a woman of my word :D.

Until next time Ladies and Lads.

Don't be a stranger and stay safe.


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