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  • Writer's pictureGemmylou

Marijuana - should we legalise it?

How many times have you sat around with your friends/family/colleagues and said the words 'weed should just be legal'? I mean I know I have, I've said it to so many people I couldn't count if you asked me. I read pretty much any article I see about it and I feel quite passionate about it to be honest, not just because of the euphoric feeling it tends to give and the broadening of your mind (like why are we alive, and if gummy bears were real, genuinely would they be nice or like giant bears who want payback and ate people???), but also the medical benefits. I have looked it up and the pro's way outweigh the con's by far! That being said lets hit on the cons I've come across.

* Feeling Sick - Okay lets be real, a whitey. Called this because one minute you feel like a happy little fake rasta, fake because of the tobacco people who 'don't even smoke' put in the joint, the next minute you're white as the pilsbury dough boy vomming your munchies into your best mates aunties toilet while she's putting sugar into a pint of coke for you to bring your blood sugar levels down.

* It can effect your memory - Oh alright. So it can effect your memory, prime word here being CAN, in my eyes I know a lot of people who have and do smoke cannabis who have a stellar memory, like seriously I've always had a memory that picks and choses when to remember things, like remembering not to put a fork in the microwave oh no no no, but remembering exactly what step I threw up on in my nans when I was 3, I'm on that! I'd like to counter this point, not because I am pretty clearly pro cannabis, but because I personally feel that memory is completely circumstantial and based on the person. But never the less, this is a fact I found on the NHS website so come to your own conclusions on that one.

* It makes some people nervous/panic attacks - Okay so I can vouch for this one first hand! In all honesty I have bad jitters at first if I touch marijuana, you know where you are convinced so much that you're twitching, that you actually start twitching and then the only way to relax yourself is by smoking more weed? Well yes, that was always my reaction no wonder it made me so mellow. I also have a best friend who came to Amsterdam with me and she had such paranoia that she was CONVINCED people's heads were changing shape and tried crawling the walls at a coffee shop while I'm in hysterical fits of laughter and my poor cousin is just sitting there, calm as anything clearly just so over us and looks at us droopy eyed, asking in the slowest speech ever 'what's going on?' So yes, it can cause this, but if you have ever gone near it, you know this! Like with anything, quantity control and the quality are key.

Now when I looked into the addiction percentage because that is really what I wanted to check, because I don't actually think there is a healthy addiction, even exercise, too much of that can have negative effects on your joints. But in looking this up, only around 10% of people end up actually addicted to marijuana. And if you compare this to the amount of people who are addicted to alcohol. Seriously now I love a drink, honestly pushing aside my love for sleep, there isn't much I love more than sitting at a nice bar with a double vodka lime and soda in my hand chatting away at the end of a long week, or a Tuesday. But we have to sit and ask why is this legal but cannabis isn't? Now I wont go into this too much in this, but why is one legal, but the most natural illegal?

I have my own thought on the matter, and I know this is quite a popular one, but lets stick to the facts.

Now lets look at the pro's

* Medical aid - Not only does it help people relax and unwind after a tough week, or day, whatever makes you happy. But it has been linked to relieving chronic pain, muscle spasms (some that are even un-treatable by other medications), it may even increase lung capacity according to a study done on 5,115 people over the course of 20 years, another study showed that it lowered intraocular pressure (IOP) in people with normal pressure and people with glaucoma. CBD oil has also been linked a lot over recent years with helping to control seizures, you would have to look more into that one but there are several articles with people telling their own stories I recollect one imparticular about a father giving it to his daughter and going to jail because of it even though it practically ended her having the fits? Now that may be fabricated because you know, facebook articles and all that but still. The biggest one I seem to see and I whole heartedly believe in - cannabis can help cure cancer.

Okay so maybe it isn't the actual cure but my belief due to the amount of articles I've read on this and research I have done just to strengthen my argument really would have you or me believe that cannabis is the key to the cure. I found an article on Business Insider.

* Broadens the mind - I've never met anyone who has said to me 'smoked so much weed last night I literally couldn't want to know less about the world', yes they may be tired, they may have been useless but still I've never heard anyone say it has made them a worse person.

* There are absolutely NO deaths caused by marijuana that I have found, in fact what I did find was kind of the opposite. Of an entire list of substances, some of which are LEGAL cannabis ranked the least likely to cause death. See below.

Anyone notice #7 on the list? So alcohol when consumed in a small amount is a hell of a lot more lethal than marijuana in the 1000's? Yet alcohol which has landed people in hospital getting their stomach pumped, with alcohol poisoning, landed people in jail for the likes of murder caused by alcohol blackouts and lack of inhibitions, is legal. However weed is ILLEGAL? The one thing so closely linked with helping protect and cure us of so many things, chills people out and makes people a lot easier to get on with in my opinion?! Does anyone else see a problem with this. So many legal drugs that cause so much harm, deterioration of the stomach lining, damage to kidneys, and don't even get me started on the contraceptive pill's effects on physical and MENTAL health, and women are ENCOURAGED to use these!? fuuuuck that!!!

I am pro cannabis, that isn't me encouraging people to smoke it in any way shape or form, however if someone did choose to do it I wouldn't be the one to judge. But people, always make an informed decision I'm just here to possibly rock the boat and say fuck it! I personally believe it is illegal because it would help the general public too much and stop so many people being sick, which the public would be funding the government less and less, and if there is one thing I firmly believe, it's that this government is completely money oriented. You'd only have to look at the jail sentences people get for committing tax evasion compared to the small shitty sentences if any, people get for battery, domestic violence, stalking, death threats, break ins, rape, pedophilia and pretty much anything that causes harm to people to see where I'm coming from here.

You don't need to agree with me on any of this but by all means look at the facts people.

I do hope this makes people look into this stuff a bit more and more because trust me I could go on for hours but I wont, I've already droned on enough and made myself feel like I've voluntarily written a school report!

With that one I am off, hope you've all got enough reading done for the night!

And as always, don't be a stranger and stay safe :)


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