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  • Writer's pictureGemmylou

Horny Hormones

Please please please someone tell me that this isn't just me.

I've always had a high sex drive but since reaching about 8 weeks pregnant, I'm flitting between hating the thought of being touched, to being ready to dry hump a fucking bed post. Honestly I feel like an actual sex pest.

I'm either too tired to even say goodnight so Pabs gets a pat on the back as I'm falling asleep followed by the morning after of us having the chat of "well, who's fault was it we didn't have sex" and me hanging my head like it's your childs it's sucking all of my energy. I feel the need to back track a bit here... because I tend to get ridiculously horny in the mid morning when I've already missed the boat and am getting ready for or has just got to work 😂🙈.

It's like being a hormonal teen all over again!

Please someone else tell me this has happened to them?! I called myself a fat lump the other day, and then Pab called me a fatty joking round and I didn't speak to the lad for about 5 hours, we went shopping together and everything and I still didn't.

Then when we got back I was right as rain and about 10 minutes later I wanted to jump him like a lion in season. Male lions genuinely have sex like every 20-30 minutes when in season did you know that?! Well now you do 🤷‍♀️, don't ask why I know facts like this I just do... and then I pass them on to you lovely people.

It's got to the point where Pab can't have his back to me in the kitchen because if he's washing dishes it's like preggo porn, where you can see the shoulder blades rotating and think 😍 yes right here right now, fuck the pasta off it can burn. And if I don't get it as soon as I want it I'm a stroppy child, feeling like he's personally rejected me and isn't into me any more because he isn't willing to let the kitchen go on fire for the sake of a quicky.

What even is this?!

Half of me wants him to throw me round like a ragdoll and the other half thinks WATCH THE BABY 😂 I feel horny and gross and like a sexual deviant all at the same time... anyone else?

This was NOT a planned blog post I swear but I got to my lash appointment and they have booked it wrong so I'm sat here in the corner like a plant aimlessly waiting to be watered by the neighbour because my owner has forgot about me and thought, meh I'm going to throw this out there and see...

Isn't it weird how we're only supposed to naturally want sex for procreation, yet it's a bit of a known fact that when pregnant the body craves sex because of hormones when the job is already done 🤔 crazyness... body, you had ONE job! But I also have PCOS so my body is a bit wonky anyway.

So for any woman going through this and feels like your sudden nympho tendancies are uncalled for and completely wrong, you aren't alone babe, I'm equally erotically charged and ready to lose all dignity at any given moment too, and it's only early days... the joys of motherhood ay 😘.

Feel free to drop any comments dolls and dudes. And as always...

Don't be a stranger and stay safe.


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